Please note that the site page allows you to start exchanging USDC ERC20 for Privat24 in hryvnias. To avoid trouble with the exchange, or the complete loss of the asset, do not try to exchange another cryptocurrency or USD Coin belonging to another blockchain network on this page. USDC ERC-20 refers to the Ethereum network. If you are interested in exchanging hryvnias with crediting to a PrivatBank card, but of another electronic currency, select this combination on the page with directions by clicking on the link or in the field to enter the amount, change the currency to the desired one.
With the Let'sPay service, you can equally easily exchange USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 to Privat24 UAH or any other cryptocurrency presented on our website. Electronic coins can also be exchanged for cash in dollars US or euros.
If you want to exchange USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 to Privat24 UAH and you are going to do it with Let'sPay, you will not have any difficulties and problems, even if you are inexperienced. After all, for the provision of high-quality services and efficient work, our online exchanger has round-the-clock technical support, which can be contacted both through the online chat on the site, and through e-mail, or the Telegram messenger. The commission for exchange services is transparent, without hidden interest and is automatically taken into account when displaying the amount you receive. That is, by entering the USDC ERC20 amount, you will immediately know how much funds will be received on Privat24 as a result of the operation.
The algorithm of actions for exchanging USD Coin (USDC) for Privat24 UAH on our website is universal and consists of the following steps:
- filling in the amount of the application;
- filling in the form fields marked with an asterisk;
- writing a comment as needed;
- clicking the share button;
Next, you will go to the next page, where an application with a number will be generated. To complete the exchange, you need to click the “Generate Wallet” and transfer the indicated amount of USDC ERC20 to it. When your coins arrive on this wallet, hryvnias will be sent to your card. The exchange operation will be completed, and you will get the desired result without spending extra time and nerves.
The Let'sPay service operates in accordance with applicable law, takes care of its own reputation and security of exchange transactions. We advise you to read the rules of our Service and the AML policy, as well as to familiarize yourself with the list of possible directions of operations. After all, Let'sPay - this is not only an opportunity to exchange cryptocurrency, but also a convenient tool for buying or selling it.