Added cryptocurrency USD Coin (USDC)
There was another addition to the list of cryptocurrencies available for exchange in the Let'sPay online service. With our exchanger, if necessary, you can exchange stablecoin USD Coin with withdrawal to bank cards.
USD Coin is an electronic coin corresponding to the denomination of one US dollar, so 1 USD Coin (USDC) can be exchanged for 1 US dollar at any time, that is, the price is stable. Currently, on the Let'sPay service, USDC is represented in two networks, and accordingly has the following directions of exchange:
for USD Coin on the Ethereum network (ERC-20)
- Exchange USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 to Monobank UAH
- Exchange USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 for Privat24 UAH
- Exchange USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 to Visa/MasterCard UAH
When filling out the application fields, enter the correct details and choose the blockchain network that corresponds to your USDC wallet. This prudence is the guarantee of your and our good mood and successful exchange. If necessary, our technical support service is always available for you.
Have a nice exchange!